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Office of Business Intelligence



康考迪亚大学的商业情报办公室为大学管理部门和教职员工以及其他大学成员提供分析决策支持服务. Its primary function is to serve as a catalyst in the efficient collection, analysis, and dissemination of data pertaining to the university. It is the repository of all institutional related data. 它还与大学的教育效能委员会合作,设计和实施学术课程的评估系统, co-curricular activities, and staff departments. 商业情报办公室履行其使命,作为大学数据的焦点,并通过开展和支持与制度改进有关的各种研究. While a substantial amount of independent research is performed by the office, 该办公室的大量资源用于支持大学行政管理, committees, departments, faculty, and staff.


康考迪亚大学欧文分校的商业智能办公室将成为可操作的见解和战略指导的可靠来源, 授权康考迪亚大学的利益相关者做出明智的决定,并通过有效的收集推动持续改进, analysis, and dissemination of institutional data.


在机构研究协会的指导下,康考迪亚大学商业智能办公室的价值观 Statement of Ethical Principles:

  • Excellence: Striving for exceptional quality in data collection, analysis, and dissemination to provide accurate and reliable decision support services.
  • 合作:与大学管理部门建立伙伴关系和协作关系, faculty, committees, and staff to promote effective assessment systems and institutional improvement.
  • Integrity: Uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct, confidentiality, and data security in handling and managing institutional data.
  • Innovation: Embrace innovative technologies and methodologies to enhance data collection, analysis, and reporting processes, staying at the forefront of business intelligence practices.
  • Accountability: Take responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, 收集数据的及时性,确保报告和与利益相关者沟通的透明度.
  • 持续改进:努力不断学习和改进数据收集方法, analytical techniques, and the delivery of decision support services to meet the evolving needs of the university.
  • 授权:为大学利益相关者提供必要的知识和技能,以有效利用数据, fostering data literacy and promoting a data-informed culture throughout the institution.

Department Objectives/Assessment Plan

  1. Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of data collection processes
    Assessment Methods:
    • Review data collection protocols and procedures to identify any gaps or inefficiencies
    • Conduct surveys or interviews with stakeholders to gather feedback on the ease, accuracy, and comprehensiveness of data collection
    • Analyze the timeliness and completeness of data collected compared to established targets
    Assessment Methods:
    • Percentage of data collection protocols and procedures reviewed and updated
    • Stakeholder satisfaction survey results on data collection processes
    • Timeliness and completeness metrics of collected data
  2. Objective: Assess the quality and usefulness of data analysis and reporting
    Assessment Methods:
    • 评估数据分析和报告输出的准确性、相关性和全面性
    • 与关键利益相关者进行反馈会议或访谈,以收集他们对所提供见解的有用性和清晰度的看法
    • Compare the recommendations or decisions made based on data analysis with actual outcomes
    Assessment Methods:
    • Accuracy and relevance of data analysis and reporting outputs
    • Stakeholder feedback on the usefulness and clarity of insights
    • Alignment between data-driven recommendations and actual outcomes
  3. Objective: Measure the effectiveness of data dissemination processes
    Assessment Methods:
    • 通过进行用户测试或调查,评估传播数据的可访问性和可用性
    • 监测数据传播时间表并评估所使用的沟通渠道的有效性
    • Gather feedback from stakeholders on the format and comprehensibility of disseminated data
    Assessment Methods:
    • User satisfaction ratings on data accessibility and usability
    • Timeliness metrics for data dissemination
    • Stakeholder feedback on the format and comprehensibility of disseminated data
  4. 目的:评估商业情报办公室与大学委员会合作的影响
    Assessment Methods:
    • Review the design and implementation of assessment systems for academic programs, co-curricular activities, and staff departments
    • Analyze the extent to which assessment results are used for decision-making and improvement
    • Collect feedback from stakeholders on the value and effectiveness of collaboration efforts
    Assessment Methods:
    • Assessment system design and implementation review results
    • Utilization of assessment results in decision-making
    • Stakeholder feedback on the value and effectiveness of collaboration efforts
  5. Objective: Assess the impact of the Office of Business Intelligence's research initiatives
    Assessment Methods:
    • Analyze the outcomes and impacts of independent research studies conducted by the office
    • Collect feedback from stakeholders on the relevance and applicability of research findings
    • Monitor the adoption or implementation of recommendations from research studies
    Assessment Methods:
    • Outcomes and impacts of independent research studies
    • Stakeholder feedback on the relevance and applicability of research findings
    • Adoption or implementation rates of research recommendations
  6. Objective: Measure the level of data literacy and awareness among university stakeholders
    Assessment Methods:
    • 进行调查或评估,以衡量利益相关者对数据相关概念的知识和理解
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of data literacy training programs or resources provided
    • Monitor the utilization of data-informed decision-making practices by stakeholders
    Assessment Methods:
    • Data literacy assessment results
    • Evaluation of data literacy training programs or resources

Committee/Taskforce Work

  • Academic Council - current
  • Educational Effectiveness Committee - current
  • Retention and Persistence Committee - current
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) - current
  • Data Governance Committee - current
  • Data Stewardship Working Group - current
  • DGC: Information Quality Taskforce - current
  • DGC: Policies and Standards - current
  • LMS Review Taskforce - concluded
  • Cost of Instruction Taskforce - concluded
  • Program Prioritization Taskforce - concluded

Meet Our Staff

  • Neben, Jason Neben, Jason
  • Associate Vice President, Data and Technology

Dr. Jason K. Neben

Neben, Jason

Associate Vice President, Data and Technology


Dr. Jason K. Neben目前担任Concordia University Irvine的数据和技术助理副总裁. He serves as the Founding Chair of the Data Governance Committee at the university. Dr. Neben holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Concordia University Irvine, earned in 1994, a Master of Arts in Education obtained in 2007, and a Doctor of Education from Nova Southeastern University in 2017. In his previous roles, Jason has contributed significantly to the university's growth, having served as the Executive Director of the Office of Innovative Instruction and eLearning, as well as the Senior Director of New Program Development. His leadership extends to spearheading various initiatives, including the LMS Review Taskforce, 展示了他对推动教育技术和创新教学方法的承诺.

Ryan Jones

Director, Data Integration Services


Ryan Jones于2008年毕业于Concordia University Irvine,并于2009年开始了他的IT职业生涯. His previous roles include serving as a Banner Data Analyst and Banner Project Manager.

  • Lee, Deborah Lee, Deborah
  • Senior Director, Institutional Research & Effectiveness
    WSCUC Accreditation Liaison Officer

Deborah Lee

Lee, Deborah

Senior Director, Institutional Research & Effectiveness
WSCUC Accreditation Liaison Officer


黛博拉·李是康考迪亚大学欧文分校机构研究和有效性和认证联络官(ALO)的高级主任. Her academic background is in criminology, sociology, and research methods. She started at the university in 2011 and oversees institutional research, assessment, regional accreditation, and specialized accreditation. 作为WASC高级学院和大学委员会(WSCUC)评估领导学院的校友, 黛博拉还担任机构研究协会(AIR)的IPEDS教育家,并被选为加州机构研究委员会(CAIR)的第二任期董事会成员. In addition to her administrative role, Deborah also serves as an adjunct faculty member for the School of Arts and Sciences.

Emil Cheng

Cheng, Emil

Senior Data Analyst


郑志刚于2002年加入康考迪亚大学欧文分校教务处,担任捐赠记录部助理主任 & Analysis. 他后来于2005年加入财务办公室负责应收账款,并于2006年成为薪资经理. Subsequently, he would join the IT department in 2013 where he now builds data blocks, dashboards, and ad hoc reports primarily in Evisions Argos using PL/SQL.

Kevin Pla

Pla, Kevin

Data Analyst


Kevin Pla received his B.S. in Business Economics and his M.S. in Business Analytics from the Paul Merage School of Business at UC Irvine. 他对使用数据作为工具来做出明智决策的热情,以及他对高等教育的好奇心,使他成为康考迪亚大学欧文分校的数据分析师. Within his first year as a member for Institutional Research and Higher Education, 他创建了多个交互式Tableau仪表板,以帮助康考迪亚大学欧文分校做出数据明智的决策. 他很高兴能继续在高等教育领域拓展自己的技能,帮助改善学生的生活.

Melissa Rodrigues

Rodrigues, Melissa

Assessment Coordinator


梅丽莎·罗德里格斯在担任了15年的小学教育工作者后,于2023年加入了康考迪亚大学欧文分校的商业智能办公室. During her time as a teacher, she served as a WASC site coordinator. 这产生了她作为评估协调员对项目审查和评估的热情. 她与教育效率委员会密切合作,帮助康考迪亚大学欧文分校的学术和课外部门评估他们的课程.

Joel Stichler

Stichler, Joel

Integration Specialist


Joel Stichler is a Concordia University Irvine alumni who got his degree in Theology. 早在2011年,他就开始在IT部门工作,担任帮助台的学生工作者,并逐渐晋升为客户服务经理. Eventually he found a passion for data and moved to the data team in 2016. 从那以后,他喜欢学习新的编程语言和各种软件应用程序. He currently helps implement and manage new data related software for the university.

Contact Us

To submit a data request, please visit the Concordia Helpdesk. From there, choose the Data and Technology Department and underneath that, the Data/Reporting/Email Blast Category.

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